Por favor, copie a carta abaixo, cole no link:
Estou escrevendo para expressar minhas concideracoes sobre as acoes hitoricas tomadas contro o povo Xucuru, o cacique Marcos Xucuru, e outros inumeros lederes dos Xucuru in Paequeira, Pernambuco, Brasil. Eu sou um simpatizante do povo Xukuru e suporto as decisoes do comite de direitos humanos das Assossiacoes Americana de Antropologia, em especial nos casos de criminalizacoes em que envolvem o cacique Marcos Xucuru e outros lidres. Eu atesto que as desicoes tomadas ate agora pelo justiva brasileira sao injustas. Como um antropologo, nos temos acompanhado os casos de violacoes inconstitucionais contra o povo Xucuru e seus lideres, o que levou a criminalizacao de alguns indios Xucuru. Nos estamos escrevendo esta carta para pedir que o 5 Tribunal Regional de Recife, no Brasil, reverta todos os processos criminais que estao atualmente sob revisao contra o cacique Marcos Xucuru e seu povo. Pedimos que a justica e a igualdade seja aplicada a todos os casos em andamento, e que os antecedentes historicos sejam levados em conta por todas as decisoes judiciais de reendenizacao no caso contro o cacique Marcos Xucuru e outros lideres Xucuru. Os crimes cometidos foram contra o cacique Marcos, que perdeu seu pai assassinado e outros varios defensores dos direitos humanos nos ultimos 20 anos. Nós afirmamos que houve vários casos de violações contra os Xukuru os quais mensionamos acima, e nós pedimos que os juizes envolvidos nestes processos traga crédito para o sistema legal do Brasil, desconsiderando todas as acusações contra Cacique Marcos Xukuru e os líderes Xukuru agora em análise. Nós o incentivamos que a justica cumpra com a Declaração das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos dos Povos Indígenas (2007), a Declaração das Nações Unidas dos Direitos Humanos (1948), e a Constituição brasileira, capítulo sobre Povos Indígenas (1988), e pôr fim à criminalização do povo Xukuru. A baixo, encontra-se o link onde a Assissiacao Americana de Antropologia manifestou-se favoravel ao povo Xucuru. Eles reconheceram que ha violacoes dos direitos humanos nos casos em que envolvem os Xucuru. Tambem recomendando que a justica brasileira reveja todo estes processos considerando os pontos de justica, igualdade, e respeitop humano. A Assossiacao Americana de Antropologia, que tem em seu corpo de membros sobre direitos humanos, os mais respetados e influentes Antropologos da atualidade, tem acompanhado de perto todos os processos involvendo os Xucuru, e acredita na integridade do sistema justicial brasileiro.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Por Favor leiam e nos ajude a divulgar os processos de violacoes contra o povo Indigena no Brasil
Posted by
Marcia Mikulak - Associate Professor, University of North Dakota Dept. of Anthropology
8:25 PM
Friends, please help us work to free Cacique Marcos Xukuru!!!
Please copy the letter below into the following link:
1. when you get to the link, the first box on the top left is where you put your name
2. the second box on the right top isk where you put your email address
3. this is the box where you paste the letter below
4. send your letter by clicking in the bottom left blue box that says "Enviar Commentario"
I am writing to you to express my concerns regarding the historic actions taken against the Xukuru people, their Cacique Marcos Xukuru, and numerous Xukuru leaders in Pesquiera, Pernambuco, Brazil. I am a citizen in support of the Xukuru people and agree with and support the American Anthropological Association’s Committee for Human Rights decision that the criminal charges against Cacique Marcos Xukuru are unjust. As anthropologists we have followed the cases of institutional violence against the Xukuru people and their leaders which has led to the legal criminalization of the Indigenous Xukuru. We are writing this letter to request that the 5th Regiona Tribunal in Recife in Brazil reverse all of the criminal processes of injustice that are currently under review against Cacique Marcos Xukuru and his people. We ask that justice and fairness be applied to all cases under review and that the historical antecedents be taken into account by all those rendering judicial decisions in the case against Cacique Marcos Xukuru and other Xukuru leaders. The crimes committed have been against Cacique Marcos, who lost his father and several other human rights defenders over the last 20 years. We contend that there have been several instances of violations against the Xukuru which we outline above, and we urge you to bring credit to Brazil’s legal system by dropping all charges against Cacique Marcos Xukuru and the Xukuru leaders now under review. We urge you to comply with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007), the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (1948), and the Brazilian Constitution, Chapter on Indigenous Peoples (1988), and bring an end to the criminalization of the Xukuru people. Below, you will find a link to the American Anthropological Association’s web page where they posted a letter in support of the Xukuru. In this letter, they recognize the violations of the Xukuru’s human rights. In addition, they recommend that the Brazilian Judges revers all the criminal charges against Cacique Marcos Xukuru and the other Xukuru leaders. The American Anthropological Association has a committee that specifically evaluate human rights abuses around the world, and is comprised of the most respected and influential anthropologists in the world. This association has been closely following the judicial processes as related to the Xukuru, and they are hopeful that the Brazilian justice system will rule on the side of integrity and human dignity in the case of the Xukuru.
1. when you get to the link, the first box on the top left is where you put your name
2. the second box on the right top isk where you put your email address
3. this is the box where you paste the letter below
4. send your letter by clicking in the bottom left blue box that says "Enviar Commentario"
I am writing to you to express my concerns regarding the historic actions taken against the Xukuru people, their Cacique Marcos Xukuru, and numerous Xukuru leaders in Pesquiera, Pernambuco, Brazil. I am a citizen in support of the Xukuru people and agree with and support the American Anthropological Association’s Committee for Human Rights decision that the criminal charges against Cacique Marcos Xukuru are unjust. As anthropologists we have followed the cases of institutional violence against the Xukuru people and their leaders which has led to the legal criminalization of the Indigenous Xukuru. We are writing this letter to request that the 5th Regiona Tribunal in Recife in Brazil reverse all of the criminal processes of injustice that are currently under review against Cacique Marcos Xukuru and his people. We ask that justice and fairness be applied to all cases under review and that the historical antecedents be taken into account by all those rendering judicial decisions in the case against Cacique Marcos Xukuru and other Xukuru leaders. The crimes committed have been against Cacique Marcos, who lost his father and several other human rights defenders over the last 20 years. We contend that there have been several instances of violations against the Xukuru which we outline above, and we urge you to bring credit to Brazil’s legal system by dropping all charges against Cacique Marcos Xukuru and the Xukuru leaders now under review. We urge you to comply with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007), the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (1948), and the Brazilian Constitution, Chapter on Indigenous Peoples (1988), and bring an end to the criminalization of the Xukuru people. Below, you will find a link to the American Anthropological Association’s web page where they posted a letter in support of the Xukuru. In this letter, they recognize the violations of the Xukuru’s human rights. In addition, they recommend that the Brazilian Judges revers all the criminal charges against Cacique Marcos Xukuru and the other Xukuru leaders. The American Anthropological Association has a committee that specifically evaluate human rights abuses around the world, and is comprised of the most respected and influential anthropologists in the world. This association has been closely following the judicial processes as related to the Xukuru, and they are hopeful that the Brazilian justice system will rule on the side of integrity and human dignity in the case of the Xukuru.
Posted by
Marcia Mikulak - Associate Professor, University of North Dakota Dept. of Anthropology
8:09 PM
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